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Hanukkah the festival of Lights!

Hanukkah 2019

Dreaming about the Holiday of Hanukkah! A beautiful holiday, filled with warmth that lasts 8 days! It is celebrated with friends, family and of course lots of gifts! 

So many fond memories are conjured when thinking about this holiday! Taking a bite into the delicious powdery Jelly Donuts - Aka Sufganiot. Or Lighting the glistering Menorah and watching the candles burn through the night; bringing warmth and unity to the house. Many beautiful customs and traditions are celebrated on Hanukkah! 8 days of joy and happiness!

Customs & Traditions

Since on Hanukkah, we celebrate the miracle of the oil it is customary to eat foods that are cooked in oil. Sufganiot - Jelly Donuts & Potatoe Latkes are customary foods. Sufganiot is donuts that are filled with different fillings such as Jelly, Chocolate, Custard, Carmel etc and are covered in a Chocolate glaze or Powdered Sugar. They are delicious and so very tasty! 

Potatoe Latkas 


Make this Hanukkah special. Have a Hanukkah party, join friends, and enjoy a beautiful Hanukkah gift basket

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