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Celebrate Purim: 4 Ways

Celebrate Purim: 4 Ways

Disguise, gifts of food, Purim is lots of fun.

The happy Jewish holiday of Purim is enjoyed every year, on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Adar. This year, 2019 Purim begins on Wednesday, March 20, at night. It continues through Thursday, March 21, 2019. A time of joy, laughter and family togetherness. A time for loving kindness, caring and sharing.

So, what is the Purim story?

The story of Purim, as told in the ״Megillah” of Esther, happened at the end of the Jewish People’s Babylonian Exile, after the destruction of the first Holy Temple.

King Ahasuerus, was the mightiest king of his time, ruling the entire Persian empire and beyond. In the city of Shushan or Susa, the capital of the Empire lived a very large Jewish community.

Haman, a wicked minister to the King, was jealous of Mordecai, a most prominent Jew. Mordecai would not give to Haman the honor he was seeking. Therefore, he wanted to completely destroy Mordecai and his People. Haman brought terrible lies to King Ahasuerus about the Jews. Haman claimed that the Jews were dispersed and divided, and therefore of no consequence. Ahasuerus gave Haman the power to do whatever he wanted to the Jews of his vast Empire.

Haman threw a lot to see which day he could succeed in his evil plan, to destroy every Jew: men, women, and children in one day. The day came out to the 13th of Adar.

Esther, the Queen puts herself at great risk for a chance to save her People. She succeeded.

Haman was hanged in the very noose he prepared for Mordecai the Jew.


Today, we celebrate. We remember, we re-create the unity that made it all happen

  How do we celebrate?

  1. Give gifts of Kosher food. Offering to family, and friends, and soon to be friends to create closeness. You want to see the miracles of old re-created in your life.

 The crunchy sweet taste of the hamantash, the fresh juicy bite of an apple, kindness, and closeness created simply by gifting food.

  1. Give to the less fortunate. The minimum requirement is one coin to two needy people. More is better.
  1. Listen to the story read, as it was written in its original form, from a Megilla. We relive the story and it’s lessons.
  1. Enjoy a delicious meal with family and friends. A beautiful way to wrap up the day. With joy, song, and laughter.

Come to this wonderful holiday happily prepared. Visit Gift Kosher for beautiful baskets your family, neighbors, coworkers or friends are sure to love.

Together we stand

The feeling of love that holds our people together is especially felt on Purim. By giving gifts of money to the poor, and by sharing gifts of food with each other, we manifest kindness into our lives.

Haman accused the Jewish people of being disparate and distanced from each other. But, we demonstrate that we are a united people, by showing kindness and giving gifts to those around us. We may have differences. But that is external. On the inside, we have a soul. This is our common denominator.

So, let us focus on what really matters. Love, unity, and family togetherness. Let us give gifts such as those offered on Gift Kosher and bring light and unity to our world!

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